Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Card From The Hot Springs 1865

   I was a little bored earlier today, hiding-out inside from the rain thinking I should probably do a post, and was digging around in a file cabinet out here in the shop for ideas and came across some files of items I've collected over the years relating to the historic hot spring. I love history.
One item caught my eye, a re-print, from the BC Archives, of an advertisement placed in 1865 by the then proprietor of the hot springs. 
The roadhouse business had been pretty lousy since they opened up the Fraser Canyon and all traffic to the gold-fields was taking that route. The then proprietor, an Irishman, placed this advertisement in the British Columbian June 29 1865 in the hopes of drumming up some paying customers.
I'll just type it out verbatim, and save trying to think something up.
So, penned 150 years ago, not far from where I sit and type this, the words of William Stein....
                                                          St. Agnes Well
                                              A Card From The Hot Springs
   In response to many inquiries from rheumatic invalids and for the information of persons in delicate health, I would state the Hot Spring water is pronounced by Voyageurs to be similar to those of Aix de Chappelle in Germany, so noted for the cure of rheumatism, and the resort of invalids in general.
I can positively state that this water will cure the most obstinate case of Rheumatism in six weeks. The temperature of the water is 128 degrees, and it's ingredients are salt, sulphur, magnesia and a little iron. 
Our accommodations, though not first class, will be found clean and comfortable, and we promise you our table shall be supplied with the best our market affords.
   To the ladies whose health may necessiate a trip to the Springs, my wife will use every effort to make them as comfortable as possible.
Fare per Stages, or Dietz and Nelson Express, From Douglas to the Springs is $5.00
BOARD and LODGING at the Springs , $15 per week.
                                                                                        W.E. Stein, Proprietor
                                                                                        Hot Springs, Douglas Portage,
                                                                                        June 4, 1865

   He didn't receive much of a response, and ran the advertisement again July and August. 
You probably had to be in pretty good shape to survive the trip here back in those days, which probably didn't help in attracting anyone considered 'invalid'. But I have to agree with him on the healing qualities of the hot spring water, and the local In-SHUCK-ch folks out here have known that for centuries. 
I've written about the original Hotspring House before on here somewhere, about Stein and some hot spring tourists, back in the early whiteman days, it was called Hotspring House 1859-1866
Here's the link to the story if you haven't seen it....


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