Monday, May 9, 2016

Mothers Day :)

Happy Mother's Day to all you readers out there that qualify. Keep up the good work.
   Most Mom's are a pretty good lot as a whole, but there's a batch of  kids come to mind that could have benefited from some down-home maternal instinct. Lets see, theres Charlie Manson, Stalin, Hitler, Elmer The Impaler, Larry The Bum, and a host of others that could have used a little better motherly direction in life's long journey.
I've always had a pretty darn good one myself.
I got my work ethic from Dad, but from a young age Mom was always the influence on my creative side. My interest in music, writing, the love of books, cats of all things, and when possible, always try and look at the funny side of things. But most importantly, 'never be afraid to dream'.
So thanks Mom, on this special day, for what I came to be.  
Into my sixties now, I am still a work in progress, but I'm sure glad I turned out alright, and not a bum or something.
Thanks for everything Mom. Love you :)

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